
Showing posts with the label thoughts

New beginnings

This is my first post here on Blogger and it’s been quite a journey to get to this point. Over the years I have hosted my own website on my own server. It went through a few iterations of purpose, starting as a social hub, later becoming a companion site to my YouTube channel then becoming a site for tech news and reviews with a hint of gaming thrown in. Truthfully the gaming side took over a bit more as my interests have changed over the years, but it still largely had its purpose.  Then of course there are the changes to the visual appearance, going through three different content management systems and multiple visual styles to boot. However in recent years I simply hadn’t updated any of the content, partly due to time and partly because I just lacked the motivation. The site just didn’t reflect who I am or what I was interested in.   So then, why the new home? It simply came down to the fact that I had no desire to keep paying for a web server. After all I was hardly using the site